Saturday, August 27, 2011

Arkansas Elk Rut Begins in 3 Weeks

Elk in Boxley Valley near Ponca, and the middle river area of the Buffalo around Bear Creek are now staging to begin the annual Arkansas elk rut three weeks from now.

Rutting Bull & Cow Elk near Lost Valley Hiking Trail
The rut is by far the biggest event of the elk season. Beginning in about mid-September bull elk join the cow elk herds to begin the mating season. Bull fights are common early on, and peak from about the end of September to mid-October, although fights can occur later and often do.

Viewing is very weather dependent. Fall weather generally mean longer morning and evening viewing times. On cold fronts viewing can be all day long. In hot weather spells, elk will leave the fields shortly after the sun hits them, and they return at 5 or 6PM until dark.

Bugling is an unforgettable experience. It peaks right along with the rut. Bull elk bugling can take many forms, but most commonly it is about territoriality. Raspy, hoarse bugling often signals a challenge and a potential bull fight.

Visit for up-to-date coverage of the annual elk rut. On this site you will find galleries of past ruts and updates on elk locations and new pictures. In depth coverage begins starting August 29.